Water-based system for wood

Water-based system for wood

Antitannin ®

It prevents the migration of the tannins and the stains they produce. It provides an excellent fungicidal and bactericidal protection.

Aquatint ®

Dyes for wood that can be diluted in water. They provide color to products for interiors, without hiding the wood grain.

Aquasol ®

Hybrid dyes that can be diluted in water or solvent. They provide color to products for interiors, without hiding the wood grain.

Aquastain ®

Translucent pigment dispersion agent that provides color without hiding the wood grain. Ideal for exterior-use products due to its high levels of color stability and UV protection.

Aquamix ®

Pigment dispersion agent that provides color and coating in association with sealants or aqueous lacquers. It does not contain heavy metals.

Aquafill ®

Acrylic sealants used for preparing wood for the finishing. It can be used in solid wood, veneer, MDF and fiberboard.

Aquacryl ®

Base for evening out wood, MDF and fiberboard. It can be dyeable with Aquamix. This is an ideal product for the country-style finishing.

Aquaseal ®

Dyeable putty that covers, patches and fills wood imperfections and edges.

Aquashield ®

Transparent acrylic lacquer used for wood finishing in both exterior and interior applications. This product is available both in glossy and matte finish.

Aquacare ®

This product is used to perform maintenance of raw or painted surfaces. It cleans and softens leather, wood, marble, metal and glass. It does not leave any stains or traces.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (1249)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Aqueous system for metal protection

Aqueous system for metal protection

Blind-Age ®

Aqueous acrylic corrosion inhibitor that provides high levels of adhesion, protection and durability. It is used in industrial applications.

Aquaprotector ®

DTM-type aqueous anticorrosive acrylic enamel that provides a high level of protection against corrosion and an excellent durability.

Aquaprime ®

High-performance acrylic varnish that provides excellent protection properties for metal surfaces. It can be used and combined with other products from our aqueous system for metals. Blind-Age and Aquaprotector.

Ferroplast ®

This product provides a high level of protection against salinity and abrasion for automobile metal surfaces.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (1196)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Aqueous system for masonry

Aqueous system for masonry

Impermelast ®

High-durability waterproofing putty used in concrete slabs and roofs.

SQ2 ®

Water-repellent and protection agent for medium and low-porosity painted surfaces and bricks. It provides glossy and matte finishes.

3k pint ®

High-resistance aqueous acrylic paint used for exteriors. It provides a durability of up to 10 years.

Aquaskin ®

Removable finishing for non-porous metal and glass surfaces. It provides a high level of protection against cement, acid and paint stains, and it is easily removable.

SQ-Cleaner ®

Paint and resin stain softener, ideal for cleaning coating application equipment. It is used as base for the preparation of animal and mineral grease and of metal surface primers.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (1164)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Aqueous system for floors

Aqueous system for floors

Aquapisos RH ®

High-durability acrylic paint used on cement and cement-like floors at warehouses and factories. It provides a high level of resistance against acids and it is easily applicable. It allows to be repainted with minimum preparation.

Aquatraffic ®

Quick-drying high-durability paint for marking pavement surfaces. 

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (1162)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Solvent-based system for wood

Solvent-based system for wood

Colortint ®

Solvent-based dyes for wood. They provide color without hiding the wood grain.

Catafill ®

Acid-catalyzed sealant.  This product seals and prepares wood for the final finishing.

Catalac ®

Transparent acid-catalyzed lacquer that provides glossy, semi-glossy, semi-matte and matte finishes.

Covertop ®

Melamine lacquer for floors. It provides high levels of durability and resistance against scratches. Glossy and matte.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (1109)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating