We are committed to using natural resources rationally, mitigating thus the environmental risks and the impact of our production on the environment. Water is the basis of life in our planet; therefore, at Amtex, we work relentlessly with it, striving to return it to nature in its purest form. Our industrial production processes require potable water but, after being used, the water is subsequently treated in order to avoid contamination risk to the maximum.
We promote the human development of out work team, we manage actions focused on preserving the health and safety of our collaborators, and we contribute to their comprehensive development, as well as to the development of both their families and their communities, always striving to improve their quality of life, the social development and the environmental balance. We act with transparency and traceability to foster secure commerce in the worldwide context. We ensure the safety (innocuousness) of our processes in the manufacturing of CMC for regulated markets (pharmaceutical, food and personal care) by developing our products based on good manufacturing practices and complying with international standards.